Engineered Timber Flooring Prices In Melbourne Depeneds On These Factors:

  • Type Of Engineered Timber Flooring: there are two major types: European oak engineered oak flooring and Australian engineered timber flooring, normally Australian types are dearer.

  • Thickness; obviously thicker engineered timber flooring is more expensive as more raw material has been used.

  • Width; wider engineered timber flooring is more expensive as it will produce more wastage during the manufacturing process.

  • Length; same as width!

  • Grade; cleaner woods(select/ AB/ Premium grades) are rate and that’s why they are dearer.

  • Finishing Process; there are different types of finishing which some of them are more costly for example chemical reaction is more expensive compared to staining.

  • Ordering Amount; like anything else when you are buying more, price is more negotiable, specially if it is more than a few hundred sqms which sometimes worth to import and you will save a lot.